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typeform alternative form tool

Create a powerful & simple form
with JotJab

The best alternative to Typeform.

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Unlimited Responses
Form Customization
No Credit Card Required

Why switch to JotJab?

Easy to get started

Create a powerful & simple form in minutes with our drag and drop builder.


Supercharge your form customization with colors and graphics to fit your brand.

Affordable pricing

Create a fast form without the high price tag - our competitive pricing fits any budget.

Pricing comparison 💸

Compare JotJab with Typeform and see the difference with our
pricing calculator.

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JotJab Price
Typeform Price

Your questions, answered 🤔

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At JotJab, we believe that businesses, big or small, should have access to a form tool without breaking the bank. We provide our customers with the tools to help them build fast forms, surveys and questionnaires, all at an affordable price.

Ready to start building your first form?

Create FREE account
Unlimited Responses
Form Customization
No Credit Card Required